Adults & Teens(13 & Up)


What is it?

We here at Emmons’ Taekwondo Academy believe that physical fitness is the first step in your taekwondo training. All classes consist a 50-60 minute full body workout. Each class includes a warm-up, flexibility, and strength training, cardio, and a cool down.

In addition to learning your current belt level Form, practicing sparring or One-Steps and learning how to defend yourself, you might use targets, push-ups, sit ups and the rail in a variety of fun and challenging activities to increase flexibility and improve muscle strength.

The variety and individual challenge of TaeKwonDo can also help:

•    Achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle

•    Improve endurance, strength and overall fitness

•    Increase the likelihood that you will exercise regularly

•    Develop the skills to defend yourself

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