Emmons Taekwondo - Self-defense TaeKwonDo Academy.

Testing for Black Belt with ETA

Well, another training cycle is in the books. This was the 175th testing for our Academy.  Nothing is changed the expectations are always the same.  Train hard and give 100% for your testing. During these times the Covid virus has changed the way we train, test, and do tournaments. We have modified the training to be as safe as we can be, without losing the heart of our TaeKwonDo program. Effort is the most valuable part of your training.  Giving 100% in your classes will ensure that your testing will be strong.  

 You will be prepared, and have the confidents you will need to have a successful testing.

 Your testing consists of three elements your form, your free sparring, and  board breaking. You should spend each class preparing for your testing. If you’re worried about any of the three  parts of  the testing It’s your responsibility to prepare yourself properly for these elements. Nothing magical is going to happen on testing day. It’s gonna be a combination of all the training you’ve done leading up to that day. When you fail one or more parts of your testing you must look into the mirror and say I didn’t prepare enough for it. Because your testing is your responsibility. if you’re prepared you’ll  get all the credit, if you don’t  and you receive a no change you must also look in the mirror. As I write this I’m thinking about a student that didn’t break his boards. I know this student has a hard time with his board breaks. So I ask Why don’t you practice everyday? If this is important to you? Then you’ll put the time and effort in. if not then the results will speak for themselves.

 Finally Testing for black belt is a great honor. Don’t look for someone to give you a break or make excuses for your inability to perform at at this  high-level.  If you are ready to be a black belt then earn it and  be proud of your abilities. 

John Emmons

Picture of John Emmons

John Emmons

Master Emmons
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