Online TaeKwonDo Classes

Emmons Taekwondo - Three silhouettes of people engaged in TaeKwonDo training at sunset.

We at John Emmons TaeKwonDo  Academy offer online TaeKwonDo Classes. Stay at home and have the interaction of a instructor working with you online.   The classes are group classes with other students at your training level in the group. with the ability for breakout rooms where you are getting personal training with just one […]

Verbal TaeKwonDo Training

Emmons Taekwondo - A group of kids showcasing their martial arts skills at a TaeKwonDo academy.

Here at John Emmons Taekwondo Academy, we stress non-violent conflict resolution.  We give the kids tools to use when involved in an aggressive situation with other children. We teach verbal Taekwondo. This system teaches the child how to react to the bulling in a non-violent but affective  way.  An example of verbal TaeKwonDo training, would […]

TaeKwonDo Training During a Pandemic

Emmons Taekwondo - A group of people posing for a picture in front of the TaeKwonDo Academy.

We need taekwondo training more now than we did before. Something to keep our mind off of the disaster that’s happening in the United States. Something to do to make your body stronger, healthier, and help build our immune system. This is what taekwondo training can do for us so come to class. Stay socially […]

Self-defense Boot Camp for women

Emmons Taekwondo - Two girls in matching blue and white t-shirts engage in a fierce fight at a TaeKwonDo class.

This is for you ! starting January 4 2020 1 PM to 3 PM and and for the next two Saturday we at emmons’ Taekwondo Academy will offer A three week six hour self-defense and fitness Boot Camp for women. This clinic will cost $60 and will come with a set of bag gloves. Of […]

Taekwondo is more than physical training

Emmons Taekwondo - Three silhouettes of people engaged in TaeKwonDo training at sunset.

Here at Emmons Taekwondo academy we train the whole body mind and soul as well as your physical training. In this day of MMA fights. I think it’s important to understand there’s more to martial arts in the brutal techniques that you see on your Saturday night pay-per-view channel. And if you reduce Taekwondo to […]

Florida Regional Camp Warrior Arts Camp

Emmons Taekwondo - A karate painting capturing the art of TaeKwonDo training and self-defense.

Martial arts means warrior arts – teaching someone to become a warrior. Training like a warrior is easier then it sounds. Conditioning is as big a part of being a warrior as the combat is. One must work on hardening the body. Training like a warrior is what we will do at Florida Regional Camp […]

Winning By Losing

Emmons Taekwondo - A statue of a buddha on a black background at a karate school.

In my life I have had to recognize the value of winning by losing. I suspect you have had to learn this same lesson. You may not understand this term until I tell you my story. I have three daughters and I love them with all my heart. As little girls, I and their mother […]

A Note to My Friends About the Shooting Last Saturday Night

Emmons Taekwondo - A black circle promoting zen, self-defense, and TaeKwonDo classes.

It’s taken me 5 days just to be able to say anything about the killing of 49 of our friends family and loved ones that were just out for the evening having fun at a club downtown. After listening to all the news reports and the witness accounts of the devastation and the horrible events […]

Moms Reasons Not Going To Class

Emmons Taekwondo - A group of people posing for a photo while practicing self-defense at a karate class.

Moms Reasons Not Going To Class: I have worked all day and I’m tired I didn’t work today and I’m tired I feel a cold coming on and I don’t want to expose others I’m just getting over a cold and I’m weak. I have to cook dinner for this bunch of ungrateful kids Kids […]

Being Satisfied

Emmons Taekwondo - Man and child practicing self-defense in a karate school gym.

Those that have enough will always have enough and Those that don’t have enough will never have enough. That is a line from a book I try to recall  as much as I can. Being satisfied and happy is a state of mind its a choice that one makes. If your not happy or satisfied […]

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